If you’ve ever asked Access to do a join between a local Access table and SQL Server table (which is called a heterogeneous join) you may have experienced first hand how slow it can be to process results. The situation could be vastly superior if you can afford to download the SQL table as a temporary table to your Access front-end and then process the join. This post will provide you with an easy solution to download SQL Server data into Access using a subroutine you can call from code.
Pass Through Query + Make Table Query Combo (No Linked Table Approach)
There is no direct way to download SQL Server data into Access using code, you can’t use a ADODB recordset or command to download the data, since they only «see» the SQL Server side and don’t have exposure to your Access data. The technique I’m providing here will use a temporary pass-through query, then using it with a make table query to create the local Access table copy of your SQL data.
'Insert this constant in a public module: Public Const conConnectionQry As String = _ "ODBC;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=YourServerIPAddressGoesHere;" & _ "UID=YourUserIDGoesHere;PWD=DittoPassWord;" & _ "DATABASE=NameOfYourSQLServerDatabase" Public Sub CreateLocalSQLTable( _ strTable As String, _ strSQL As String, _ Optional bolExportExcel As Boolean _ ) Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim strQuery As String 10 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 20 strQuery = "qryTemp" 30 DoCmd.Close acTable, strTable 40 DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, strQuery 50 DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, strTable 60 Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(strQuery) 70 With qdf 80 .Connect = conConnectionQry 90 .SQL = strSQL 100 .Close 110 End With 120 strSQL = "Select * INTO " & strTable & " FROM " & strQuery 130 CurrentDb.Execute strSQL 140 DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, strQuery 150 If bolExportExcel Then Dim strFile As String 160 strFile = CurrentProject.Path & "" & strTable & _ Month(Date) & Day(Date) & Year(Date) 170 If Dir(strFile) <> "" Then 180 Kill strFile 190 End If 200 MsgBox "Table " & strTable & " is ready for export to Excel" 202 DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , strTable, strFile, True 204 FollowHyperlink strFile & ".xlsx" 210 End If ExitProcedure: 220 Set qdf = Nothing 230 Exit Sub ErrorHandler: 240 Select Case Err.Number Case 3376, 3010, 7874, 2059 250 Resume Next 260 Case Else 270 MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, "Error" 280 GoTo ExitProcedure 290 End Select End Sub
The procedure takes three arguments:
- strTable: Name you wish to use for your local Access table
- strSQL: SQL statement used to retrieve data from SQL server. You can therefore extract multi-table joins into a local Access table.
- bolExportExcel: Boolean variable you pass-along if you wish to also extract the data into Excel
Example 1: Extract one table from SQL Server called tblCustomers
CreateLocalSQLTable "tblCustomers_SQL", "Select * from tblCustomers"
Notice how I appended the _SQL to my local Access table name. I will later delete all _SQL tables on program exit.
Example 2: Multi-table join extract
CreateLocalSQLTable "tblCustomers_SQL", "Select CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerStatus from tblCustomers Inner Join tblCustomerStatus On tblCustomers.CustomerStatusID = tblCustomerStatus.CustomerStatusID", True
In the second example the code will also launch Excel with the extracted data, allowing my customer easy Access to data from SQL Server without the use of ODBC in Excel.
Add indexes and primary keys if needed
Once you’ve downloaded the data you may have a need to add indexes or primary keys to your local copy of the table, click here for a post that will walk you through that using Alter SQL commands in Access.
Another Approach using Linked Tables
If you have the SQL Server table already linked to your Access front-end you can extract the data using this procedure:
Public Sub CopyTableLocally(strTable As String) Dim strSQL As String 10 On Error GoTo CopyTableLocally_Error 20 Application.Echo True, "Working on table " & strTable 30 DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, strTable & "_SQL" 40 strSQL = "Select * Into " & strTable & "_SQL From " & strTable 50 CurrentDb.Execute strSQL ResumeExit: 60 On Error GoTo 0 70 Exit Sub CopyTableLocally_Error: 80 Select Case Err.Number Case 3376, 3010, 7874, 2059 'Trying to delete an object that does not exist, continue 90 Resume Next 100 Case Else 110 MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & _ ") in procedure CopyTableLocally of Module mdlGeneral" 120 Resume ResumeExit 130 End Select 140 Resume ResumeXit End Sub
Some Caveats
- Don’t download too much data. There’s a good reason your data is on SQL Server. Pulling large amount of data only eats up network traffic and may cause contention issues or even deadlocks. I usually use this technique for small reference tables that I later use in a all local joins. If your data is small and the data rarely changes in the table you’re downloading then this code is for you.
- Beware of file bloating: Ideally you should keep your temp tables in a separate Access file, otherwise your front-end may start getting pretty large and require frequent compacting to slim it back down.
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